Thursday, May 5, 2011

First Appointment...April 5th..

I had to lie to my dad. See the hubby couldn't get time off of work to go with me to my first appointment. So I needed a car to get there. I told my dad I had an appointment for my reoccurring hives. BIG LIE!!! I had my first appointment. I made sure I scheduled it for 8am. I didn't want to wait all day and this way I wasn't waiting even longer if she was running behind. Well I got the full on physical which was "so fun." But then came time for the ultrasound. When she started we couldn't see a thing, and my heart sank. However, my bladder was full and was reason for seeing nothing. After relieving myself, I got to see our little baby. It was so surreal. I didn't get to hear the heartbeat but it was there. Once we got some pictures, she decided to test me early for gestational diabetes due to family history.

Lets just say its not the best tasting drink to have but I did drink it within the 5 minute time frame. I am also very happy that I stopped at McDonald's that morning to eat or this would've been a suicide mission for me. So after drinking the fruit punch flavor, I had to wait an hour to get my blood drawn. I already had to get it drawn but this meant an extra vile. I was lucky enough to get a lady who knew what the hell she was doing. Last time getting my blood drawn, at the army hospital, I had a bruise within 10 mins. This lady didn't leave a bruise at all and I could barely feel it. I hope she is there again when I need to get it drawn in the future. So I left there happy and a little light headed. However the only person I could think of telling at this point was my aunt Genia. She has always been there for me and I knew she would be happy for us. 

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